西雅圖Seattle-A Muse Studio 印章店


當初在網路上看到A Muse Stamp在西雅圖開第一家門市 (目前好像也只有這一家) 時,就被圖片顯示的檸檬黃小店 (如下連結)著迷,心想將來是否有可能親自看一看這個小店,也心想,如果自己有這樣一個檸檬黃的Stamping room,不知該有多好…

I was so accracted by A Muse shop when I first saw its picture on A Muse website. 
The lemon color of wall and the light are so warm. The store looks so cute.
I hope I would be there someday.



沒想到今天能親自來到這家檸檬黃 A Muse 小店!

Now, the dream comes true.

這間 A Muse 的店面是長這個樣子的…

This is what the store looks like...
There are some stuff on sale in front of the door.
Most of them cost only $1 USD each. 


A Muse shop is almost the same as what I saw on the website.  
However, there seems to be more products.

店內當然都是賣 A Muse stamps,這一櫃大都是新品。

All the stamps in this store are from "A Muse."
This rack displays the new stamps and cards made by them.


This back rack displays the products with discount.
Of course I can not bring them all back to Taiwan... 


A Muse卡一貫地簡單乾淨。後來隔天去小挪威Poulsbo玩時,在書店裡也有看到手工製的A Muse小卡在販售。

A Muse cards are always clean and simple.
I also saw them selling in the bookstore when I visited Poulsbo next day.

A Muse 也擋不住 Project Life 的相本美編風潮,店內有一個櫃全部都展示Project Life的相關產品,主要是Simple Stories它們家的產品。

This rack is full of "Project Life" products which are from "Simple Story."


I saw some lovely masking tapes in the jars.
And wait...they even deck out the jars !

A Muse Shop把紙膠帶裝在透明的糖果罐內,五顏六色地,十分可愛!不過,一看價錢,居然每個紙膠帶要價美金3.5元(約相當於新台幣100元),就覺得價格不太可愛了(我想可能是紙膠帶到美國比到台灣遠,所以才比較貴吧) !


Now it's time to show what I bought in A Muse shop.

幸會囉,A Muse 檸檬黃小店!
Bye! Lemon yellow lovely "A Muse shop"! 


一、A Muse Stamp 的動向:http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/cwlblog/article?mid=12774

二、A Muse Studio 的官網:



三、A Muse Studio 在 Facebook:


四、這家A Muse 實體店面在Facebook也有註冊"The A Muse Shop": https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-A-Muse-Shop/101125356636724?hc_location=timeline

五、這家A Muse 實體店面的地址和電話:
7107 Greenwood Ave N
(between 71st St & 72nd St)
Seattle, WA 98103
Neighborhood: Phinney Ridge
(206) 783-4882